Sunday, October 13, 2013

C4T October (3+4) Tom Schimmer

C4T October

9-29-13 “Points Over Practice”

Tom Schimmer is an independent education author. He is recognized as an expert in the field of learning assessment. He has served as an educator in the roles of teacher and administrator. In his blog titled “ Points Over Practice”, he examines the importance of balancing homework loads and how to grade it. He discusses the value of points and the practice aspects of homework. Homework is really meant to help a student grasp a concept. If we do not grade the work will they do it? That is the concept he discusses in his blog. I found this blog to be very well written and I enjoyed it.

       10-13-13 “3 Steps to Aligning Your School Wide Discipline Practices”

In this blog, Tom Schimmer talks about the three ways to create a good learning environment and to help produce better discipline within students. First, he says we need to ensure students understand what is expected from them. We can’t hold them accountable for something they do not understand. Show them what proper behaviour is so they can see what you expect in your classroom. Secondly, he says the school needs to establish a set routine for how teachers handle discipline issues. We should create a model that is age appropriate and that is based in the social norms or our location. There needs to be set standards to handle each level and type of misbehaviour. By doing this, teachers know exactly what to do in any situation and students know the consequences of breaking the code of discipline. He also says while these set standards are important, as educators we need to also respect the individuality of our students. Consider who they are and what social or medical  issues they may have . Find ways to help them conform to make them feel at ease. We do not want our students to fear us rather we seek to have them respect us and understand that we truly want to help them succeed in life and to help them grow as individuals.  Visit Tom Schimmer

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