Sunday, November 17, 2013

November C4K 9+10

November C4K Assignments

 C4K # 9: November 10, 2013
     Today, I was able to review a blog from a sixth grade student named Saadiya from Pt. England School in New Zealand. You can find her at Saadiya@ Pt England School. I chose to look at her post entitled “ Old Man”. She wrote a short story about a man walking down the beach lost in thought. There were some grammatical errors, but the attempt of imagery was very nicely done. She painted the scene clearly and the story arc was impressive for a girl her age. On a personal note, reading other comments on her page, I saw many sex ads and that disturbed me a great deal. I would hope the teacher would prevent this by monitoring comments.

 C4K # 10: November 16, 2013
      Today, I was able to watch a video post from Kaya of the Little Voices, Little Scholars blog. The title of her post is, “Kaya Tells Us Why We Need to Use the Crossing”. Kaya explains that as young children it is very important that students use the crossing area and not attempt to cross the road by themselves. She further explains the need to have the adult at the crossing tell them when to walk because safety is very important. Kaya used a video tool called vimeo to record and post her video.

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